Just attended a business learning event.
The scheduled presenter was unable to make it, so they had someone they trusted stand in for them as a presenter.
Only problem: the stand-in did not know the slide deck.
While the pitch-hitter was pleasant enough, it was obvious that they were pretty much reading the slides to the audience.....ho hum! Worse, they didn't even bother to stand up to deliver the presentation.
The coup de grace: they had no knowledge about or awareness of one of the products being pitched in the presentation.
Sometimes, you may have to use a stand-in; just make sure your stand-in actually knows the part. Rehearse it with them a few times. Make sure the message you want conveyed is the same one that will be delivered.
If you can't do at least that to make sure the impression is what you want, you're better off postponing the presentation alltogether.
Yes, that will be a bad impression, too....but it's better than allowing misinformation to be presented on your behalf.
© 2011 Patrick L. Williams, The Selling Sherpa™
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